Tuesday, January 27, 2009


Other things came up this week, so I didn't watch a single movie.

As far as cinematic experiences go, I did finish The Sopranos, probably the very first show I have ever followed from beginning to end, starting when I was wrapping up high school in an HBO home, and wrapping up the last couple seasons through Netflix, a year and a half after the infamous ending of the show. Fortunately, even though I knew how the series was going to end, watching it for myself I feel like it was still done in a very subtle but shocking way.

For me, the Sopranos was like The Beatles of TV (wait, follow me through here). Just as the Beatles were given complete artistic freedom to take their music to creative heights totally beyond what anyone expected of the recorded music medium, the censorless HBO combined with the critical and commercial support of the Sopranos allowed for it to tell the story in as patient or violent as necessary. I never felt for a second that the show was limiting itself. It's only by the last season where I seemed to think they were dragging some of the conflicts out, but I don't think fans wanted it to end any time soon, so that's forgiven. What a treat to be able to follow the whole thing. Now, I've heard good things about the Wire...

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