Tuesday, March 17, 2009


I have been changing my remaining list of "Film Snob" movies... see intro here.... so many times as I decide day in and day out not to devote time and mental energy to write a long-form essay on a movie. But with the season change comes new commitments. I can't say I'll ever seriously get to writing 7 more entries to round out the list... but I want to lock in my remaining entries so I can daydream how I will praise them to my devoted readers...

So queue these up in Netflix or something... and await for my thoughts.

FOUR: L' Avventura (1960)

FIVE: Winslow Boy (1999)

SIX: Battle Royale (2000)

SEVEN: Topsy Turvy (1999) and La Belle Noiseuse (1991)

EIGHT: Freaked (1993)

NINE: Coffee and Cigarettes (2003)

TEN: Palindromes (2004)

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