Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Tuesday Movie Cure

So what is the minimal silver lining when you have one of your longest lasting cold/flu/infections? Weird, unexpected times for movie-watching, of course!


So, Comcast On Demand has a lot of free movies... many of which are a little... well... cheaply made. But say you can't sleep because of this hideous cough keeping you up at night, but you're really too tired to focus on anything except something formulaic you don't have to remember except for a few attractive details? Well, a little harmless cult movie fun doesn't hurt anybody. I've already admitted watching The Human Centipede [shudder] so cut me some slack! Now let's never speak of this movie again.

UP (2009)

Well what good wholesome fun this is, as are all the movies I watch at any given time! Mesmerizing, beautiful, and packing a touching emotional resonance in many scenes... relative to other Pixar films, however, they took a few too many logical leaps to move the narrative along. But only set up in the universe of other Pixar films is this film even remotely faulty. Preferring Wall-E, Finding Nemo, and The Incredibles to this by no means demeans it any way.

MOTHER (2009)

I may not love all Korean films, but every one I've seen has contained so many unique twists and just completely new emotional situations that I couldn't imagine existing before these Korean directors put them front and center in honestly brutal ways. This is the third film I've seen by Joon-ho Bong, who also made Memories of Murder and The Host, and it's great.

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