Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Week the Was: Back to 2008 WIFF

Yep, I decided to theme my movie binge with movies on my Instant Q that were all screened at the Wisconsin Film Fest in 2008... my first film fest experience.

These aren't movies I saw way back when... but I kept the program and I was overwhelmed with the variety and the quality that I vowed to at least aspire to watch as much of the films in the WIFF as I can!

CHOP SHOP (2007)

I couldn't think of the term for this kind of movie... then a snotty film critic (or a Wikipedia author) called it an example of "neo-realism". I think it's the kind of film festival movie you expect... understated... compelling... but with many moments that lets your mind wander because of the lack of urgent pacing. So distant from any commercial fare.


A documentary that unfortunately is the second one I've seen this year to feature the creepy and now disgraced Ted Haggard as an interview subject. Jesus Camp was the first time I saw him and his Church in Colorado Springs. The topic is historic Anti-Semitism in the Church. But the pieces and scenes are a little loosely connected and don't come together as well as other documentaries.


This one is pretty hypnotic if you don't expect anything extreme or direct. Following an elderly Russian grandmother as she visits her grandson on the war front in Chechnya.

Probably will watch a few more 2009 films before I can make my top 10 of the year.

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