Saturday, March 5, 2011


So I have already discussed my predilection for animated movies, which seem to represent the purest form of escapism I seek in cinema. When non-animated movies come up short in the artistic escapist fantasy department, you get an endless range of realism and skewed relationships towards escapism and innocence that more than make up for the lack of pretty drawings and wonderment. But what about the live action cartoon? Who Framed Roger Rabbit, for example, combined some serious film noir elements with Loony Tunes. Cool World (taking me back a long time) was definitely an adult movie, probably to the chagrin of my father who took me and my brother to the theaters to see it. And the masterpiece Space Jam... well words would not do it justice.

Scott Pilgrim starts with Michael Cera acting in his typical understated ways... and I wonder if those not familiar that this was a comic book adaptation came into the theaters expecting, at the beginning at least, a quirky coming-of-age teen comedy, like a Juno, Superbad, or Adventureland. Upon the encounter with the first "evil ex", everything blows up, and kudos to the filmmaker for keeping everything calm and collected until that happens making it all the more spectacular as the video game graphics pop up and we start seeing crazy martial arts style fighting and flashiness. Because while the critics seemed to say that The Social Network captured the communication channels of a new plugged in generation, Scott Pilgrim made perfect use of those channels to provide the kinetics that made an endearing love story more relevant and in tune with the constant barrage of references and stimuli young generations are inundated with.

Analysis aside, it was an absolute blast. Once Scott Pilgrim vs. the World goes into hyperactivity, you don't know what to expect frame by frame, and the buildup between each Evil Ex battle is perfectly executed. I regret not reading the comics because I can imagine how perfect an adaption this was.

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