Sunday, January 31, 2010

#7 movie of 2009


Here's the movie that screwed up my whole top 10 rule about ranking ONLY movies I've seen in theaters in 2009. This was released in theaters a couple months ago, but thanks to my friend Steve, who spent his second summer in China in 2009 teaching English, I got to see this movie in DVD form... which he purchased while he was in that country. It didn't play on my big TV so I had to go back to my pre-Netflix PS3 days and watch it on my computer. What emerged was a sprawling two-part epic that never dragged, containing morally complex characters and engaging battle scenes, and all sorts of interesting diversions. I know there are so many subtle things going on behind the scenes with direction and pacing to make a film this long so entertaining from start to finish, but what results is direct non-pandering entertainment. If only every 'popcorn' movie could be this well-made and intelligent. Fans of any kind of Chinese / Hong Kong cinema should see just about every recognizable actor in here as a bonus.

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