Tuesday, January 5, 2010

First Tuesday of 2010

Time to begin this year, with lots of movie watching interrupted with things like work, sleep, courtship, and figuring out comprehensive life goals.

Through Netflix Instant...


While this movie seemed like it would go over some conventional themes of a drug addict seeking redemption, this was a critical favorite and was part of my Critic's top 10 project that began over the past couple weeks.

This turned out to be incredible and pretty emotionally devastating. After just watching the Visitor though, I see how this performance-based movie seemed to be more effective, because the style of the movie was to have Anne Hathaway's character blend in with the surroundings. With the handheld homey look to everything, her performance absolutely shines but doesn't overshadow the supporting players and the atmosphere. I'll remember this for a while. Hathaway performs so perfectly you squirm and get really wrecked watching her suffering. Excellent.

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